Aviation Turbine Fuel prices falls by 6.5% !
On 1/06/2024 , the cost of Aviation Turbine Fuel / Jet Fuel fell down by 6.5% amounting to Rs 94,969 per Kl. The price was reduced by Rs. 6,673.87 per Kiloliter.
How will this help the passengers?
In the interview with NDTV, Sanjay Lazar ,CEO of Avilaz Consultant said that this could help to reduced the travel cost of the passengers possibly after a month.
Reason for the fall in price.
The fall in the Fuel charges was due to the decline in the International Oil prices. Another reason for the price fall may be due to Iran – Israil war!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9GRggpeCJM
READ MORE :Multibagger Anand Rathi announced buyback & dividend at the same time.It gave a return of 379.15% in past year.
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